Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mike from NY

Now compare Brian with Mike. When do you know a guy has some potential?

- He stops asking for your stats and pics after two emails.
- He shares something personal.
- He gives his phone number.
- He shows that he cares and looks forward to make the next step of meeting.

After Seattle and Miami, I will be meeting Mike in NY next week. Now this is progress.

Got it... next week... Guess I'm anticipating meeting you!!

Yes... it's down in the 30s... bring warm coat, hat, scarf, gloves and anything else that may keep u warm : P


Ok he thought I was going this week. Is it too early to show excitement? Who care, I love it!

Hi Vincent..

My hours are flexible this week, so let's set something up. My cell is 917-xxx-xxxx.

I sure hope you brought a heavy coat!!!!


Ok. I seemed shallow coz I asked about his car. I wanted to know how he chose his nick. He seems like a positive and outgoing person. And he invites me for a meet. Woohoo!

hey hey Vincent..

Fast car? mmm... it's good on gas : ) It's a Jetta and I LOVe it : )

I'm familiar with the places you'll be staying... what type of work do you do?

Hoping we might be able to meet for a drink or dinner during your stay..


Are the angels helping me out? I am being sent to the east coast for training next week.

Hey Vincent... I'm a huge fan of the beach too!! Love it way better than pool water.

Not too sure what the Doodah parade is.. but sounds fun!

I'm a Financial advisor with MetLife. Interesting work, somewhat frustrating dealing with people's money, as demonstrated by the day I'm having.

That's so cool that you're coming to NY/NJ... what part of NJ will you be staying in?

On the second email, he shares bits of his daily life. And he goes to the gym too!

hello Vincent..

I hope you had a great Sunday for yourself. I did... went to the gym and just returned from cousin's 15th birthday party... fun fun.

Cute pictures-- I guess you like the water as I do : ) what is your background?

Looking forward to connecting soon..


Initial response to my ad:

hello... that was such a touching post.. very unusual for CL...

good morning : ) I'm 5'7, 165, italian/pr, work out... have been labeled "husband material" by many ... hoping you might think so also

regards, mike

Monday, November 21, 2005

Brian from NY

When do you know if a person is wasting your time?

- They ask for your pictures and stats again and again. VAIN
- They don't have any pictures to share. INSECURE
- They only respond with one sentence. DUMB

Check Brian from NY below and prove me wrong.

The end.

nice pics..but would like to see more of your body..(not nude) but so I can see a nice close up clear pic of you..

Note that my ad has my stats.

It is a IBM think Pad R40
what are your stats..?
height and weight..


Only pic? You should see his pic and punch me why I even bothered.


nice to hear from you...sorry..that is the only pic that I have on my new laptop..
eager to learn more about...delighted that you want to check into the possibilities..

how old are you...can you send me a pic when you are able..?


Nice comeback.

hey....nice pics..!!

Liked them a lot..!

where you going to church..?

want to chat more.!

Initial response to my ad:

hello...really liked the things you were saying...want to know more..

me: 5'-9" tall 165lbs...45 yrs. old

email me at: xxx AT AOL DOT COM

here's my pic

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Got a pic from "W" on NY. Shucks, and I thought he meant he worked for the W Hotel. Oh well, Master Soulmate perhaps. I have a darkside too....

Ooh..A Second One

I think posting or reposting on Sunday morning is good. Guys tend to be looking for a Sunday kind of guy rather than a Friday night hookup.

hello...really liked the things you were saying...want to know more..

me: 5'-9" tall 165lbs...45 yrs. old

email me at: xxx AT AOL DOT COM

here's my pic

Husband To Be?

My first response from NY came after I reposted my message.

hello... that was such a touching post.. very unusual for CL... good morning : ) I'm 5'7, 165, italian/pr, work out... have been labeled "husband material" by many ... hoping you might think so also regards, mike

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hello New York

I wonder if the apple will be good to me. New York is a cultural melting pot and I hope there are people out there capable of understanding the concept of a soulmate. To welcome my soulmate search to the big apple, I am dedicating this song to all the guys in NY.

Start spreading your legs
I'm eating your eggs
I wanna take a piece of meat
your cock, your cock.

Your humongous balls
Are longing to spray
And make a large splash of it
your cum, your cum.

I wanna wake up in your bedroom while you sleep
to find your king of a dick, under your sheets.

My perky nipples
While you're sucking away
I'll make a large splash of it
its now my cum,
If I can take it there,
I'll take it anywhere,
It's up my ass, my mouth, your cock!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Some Rules for Seeking Your Soul (and Its Mate)

The Other Rules for Seeking Your Soul (and Its Mate)
By Martha Beck

I would encourage anyone who wants to find a soul mate to follow these three steps.

1. Know thyself.

Women who are willing to hide or detach from their real selves in order to bag a man often seem to believe that the right guy will give them a sense of identity and self-confidence. This is backward. Looking for love before developing a strong sense of self is like trying to find the mate of a shoe you've never seen. Next time you're feeling fretfully single, try exploring your own nature: Write down your favorite foods or colors or songs or books or sports. Visit a therapist. Embark on a voyage of self-discovery for its own sake and because it is on that journey that you are likely to bump into the perfect traveling companion.

2. Value thyself.

The single women I know are frequently advised, "Stop being so picky," "Have a better attitude," and "Lower your standards," perhaps to the point where they'll date anyone with a penis and a pulse. I believe this is precisely the wrong approach. Why? Consider our statistical friend, the bell curve. The great bulge in the middle represents areas where you are, well, average. This is also the part of you that could easily be mixed and matched with the largest number of potential mates. The skinnier upper end represents your greatest gifts, the areas where you are most talented and extraordinary. The few people who share your most exceptional characteristics are your tribe, the population that is most likely to contain your heart's partner. I suggest that you should be pickier, less accepting and more committed to the "bad attitude" that will make you seek people who are extraordinary in the same way you are. Be courteous to men who don't appeal to you, but for God's sake, don't waste your evenings—let alone your nights—with them. "Oh," conventional rule-keepers might exclaim, "you'll have to spend some nights alone!" Yes, indeed. Your pool of candidates is much smaller at the high-quality end of the bell curve, your chances of having no date on Saturday much larger if you refuse to go out with men who bore or repulse you. But if memory serves, the boredom and/or repulsion of bad dating is much worse than spending a few hours on your own.

3. Engage thyself.

The authors of The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right emphasize that in order to get a guy, a woman should always act busy—for instance, when a desirable man calls, it's wise to set a timer to go off a few minutes later, then recite a memorized exit line, such as "Sorry, gotta go. I have a million things to do." Here's my crazy idea: How about actually having a million things to do? How about actually filling your life with interesting activities? If you want to attract a partner, identify what you love to do, and do it—a lot. Involved, busy people really are more attractive, so if you want to get engaged to your soul mate, start by being engaged in activities that fascinate you—especially those that have nothing to do with dating and that make you forget to go love hunting.

I have yet to accomplish Level 1.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Show and Tell

Jeez...am I too critical? I still responded just in case.

hi chris

thanks for your response. i dont have any nude pictures, but do have regular pics and i definitely can tell you more about myself. do you have any pics too?


chris wrote:
hi -please show and tell me more !I'm Chris 6'1 175 attractive , stylish & slender , former foot model , clean shaven , well hung 8" cirCUMsized.......educated , professional , refined & D&D FREE !!!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Miami Poet

My first response from Miami. I am not sure what he meant by it being too late for him to get on my list, but I should leave it at that, except for a thank you for responding to my soulmate search. Read on.

Thanks for your inspiring post this morning ...

It's too late for me to get on your list, but it is certainly the right time for some lucky man ...

Here is a poem I love to keep you hopeful until you find him :

"The Breath of Love"

by Michel Quoist

My beautiful love as yet unknown
you are living and breathing
somewhere far away
or perhaps quite close to me,
but I still know nothing
of the threads that form
the fabric of your life
or the pattern which makes your face distinctive.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I would like you to think of me tonight
as I am thinking of you
not in a golden dream that is far from my real self,
but as I really am,
a living personthat cannot be invented
without distorting the truth

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I love you already although your face is hidden.
If I can make myself richer now
I shall be able to enrich you
and I want to learn how to give
rather than always to take.
When you enter my life and I recognise you,
I do not want to take you like a thief.
I want to receive you like a treasure
and let you give yourself to me.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
will you forgive me in the future?
I hope you will forgive me
when you are curled up beside me
and when your eyes seek out the most distant clouds
in the open sky of my eyes.

I hope you will forgive me
for knowing too well the gestures of love
because I have learned them from others before you.
I would like to forget them now for your sake.
How lovely it would be if we could seek and find together
the chords that would form the right accompaniment
to the songs of joy and suffering that we shall sing together.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I want to pray for you tonight
because you already exist,
because I already want to be faithful to you
and because you are already having difficulties
and possible because of me.

I am preparing myself for you
and you are preparing yourself for me.
I hope with all my heart
that in the future I shall be your sun
and you will be my source
and I will warm you in my rays
and you will wash me in your water.

Our bodies will be grafted together
and we shall give to the world
what it needs most of all
the strength of our love
that it would lack without us.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
we have to wait for one another now.
We know how painful it is for lovers
who do not know each other's faces
to go on waiting for each other.
But we also know that,
although we are still apart,
our two lives are looking and calling for each other.

And I am also sure that,
in the darkness of our longing,
God's longing and his light are present.
Our Father who is in heaven
is looking at us, my love, and loving us.
And he is saying now
as he has been saying for all eternity
"If that is what they really want they will be one in the future."

That is his dream as our Father
and that will be our decision as his children.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Soulmate Search: Miami

Soulmate-less in Seattle, I am moving to...Miami! I was watching Invasion, set in Florida, last night and the lead actor was Cuban. He is hot!

Same post but this time I added my picture. Let's see if I have to start practicing the samba while listening to Gloria Estefan. Can you feel the rhythm in my heart...

What's Your Weight?

No reply after my post below, and I believe its my question about his weight that sealed my faith with Steve. Is it wrong to ask about personal characteristics too soon? What do you think?

Hi Steve,

Yes, I am from Socal, and it's my friends lap pool.
I haven't been to Seattle, but have been wanting to for sometime now. Maybe there will a reason to visit too... :)

I like taller guys, so thats a plus. I am an accountant, and on weekends I usually spend it with friends driving around LA. We like to go to thrift stores, watch plays or classical concerts, dine out, hang out at coffee shops, etc. Sometimes we go dancing or go to the beach. How about, work and otherwise? BTW, how much do you weight?


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Soulmate - The Meaning

The term Soul Mates means many things. These are soul that you have experienced with in past, parallel or future lifetimes. They can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. We are all have multidimensional beings - your soul having experiences, in many realities, at the same time. As we all evolve from the same source of consciousness creation - we could say that we are all souls mates in a manner of speaking.

Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. We tend to think of our soul mate as The One who is there for us and to make us feel complete. Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere.

Anyone who is in your biological family - or adopted family - or pseudo-family - is a soul mate to you. You feel closer to certain souls, because you have attracted them into your life as they are on the same frequency as you or because you want to work out issues with them.

Karma is the responsibilites shared between soul mates. Often souls mates come together to bring another soul into the physical realms. A man and woman mate and produce one or more children - the karma thus completed ends. The couple separates and share whatever karma is linked to the child. Sometimes the karma in family is between mother and child - so the child remains exclusively with the mother. Sometimes the karma is with the father and the mother leaves or deceases. Sometimes it is with both parents or with a sibling who has entered the game before or after you.

Soul mates can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional - spiritual - physical - and mental - games of third dimension with you.

Did you know that you often attract people into your life who look as you do in parallel or past lives? For example - you are a man seeking a female partner. You will seek out someone who looks and acts if you were a woman - like a mirror image. Your ideal partner is who you are in that physical body! We are always seeking ways to experience ourselves.

Men often seek the goddess when searching for a mate - one who looks like the priestess - slim body, long flowing hair purity of soul - beauty and gentleness of creation that speaks to their soul of union with the female creational force. It is SHE who brings loves, guidance, compassion and reunion of your twin soul aspects.
Finally, according to Greek mythology, an angry god split our ancestors into two resulting in humans who are condemned to spending their lives searching for the other half, the soulmate.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Good in Swim Trunks..

Hi Vincent :

Thanks for saying "hi" back ...I think I just saw your ad on Craig's list ... not sure how global I am going .. :-)

So, you have a 'lap pool' at your condo/ apt ? ...you look nice .. and good in swim trunks ..I hope you could find me attractive too . ..

Well, any plans to visit Seattle .. and you are from SoCal ?I have a brother in SD ............ I may have to find a reason to visit him and SoCal ... :-)


Sunday, November 06, 2005

1st Shot

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response. Seems you are going global too. Do you have yahoo or aol IM? It would be easier to chat.
Attached are my pics. Hit me up if you feel like it.


Steve, Seattle

Hi :

Check out my gaydar info and write if interested .

Steve =)

I am a tall, late 30`s American who has taught English (American) conversation in Taiwan, `99-`00. I like Jazz, Blues and Microbrews beer. I am a Science Fiction and Star Trek fan.

I am seeking interesting, attractive men who may find me attractive and are educated and can talk and keep a conversation going. Sex positive (people you like sex but are HIV-negative) are fun people to me. I like to meet over coffee or over the internet and eventually meet in person.

I like to internet surf, go out for coffee with new friends, get a (craft/microbrew) Beer, Enjoy a drink at home. I like to go out for dancing. I enjoy traveling and visiting Microbrew Pubs. Listening to Jazz and Blues is fun. I like Sightseeing and talking to and meeting new people.

Ethnic & American; Asian, Mexican, Europe, USA, Af
Jazz & Blues, Upbeat Rock 'n Roll; Prince, D.Mathe
Tom Clancey, George Will, Grisham,
Action adventure, SF, commedies, Crouching Tiger H
Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, George Clooney, Will Smi
Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Meg Ryan, Helen Hunt
TV Show
NBC Nightly News, Meet the Press, ST Enterprise
Vacation Spot
Vancouver, BC; Portland, OR; Oly Penns; Mountains
Seattle; Taipei; Salt Lake City, Richmond, Tucson
USA, Taiwan-ROC, Canada, Mexico, Scandinavia
Cuff; Neighbors; Numbers(YVR);
R-place; Cuff; Linda's; Rosebud; Elysian Brewery

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Soul Mate Searching

I woke up one day and decided to post in Craigslist in search of a soulmate, my soulmate.
This is my initial post:

I am from So Cal and you may be from XXX, but if we are indeed soul mates, or even one who believes that distance will not stop us from getting together, we may become one. Through the wonders of the Internet, text messaging and airline mileage programs, we can beat the odds of long distance relationships.

You can’t pick your soul mate, but let’s be real.

Me: Asian, 5’7 150 lbs., smooth toned body, cute boyish face, positive brings-out-a-nice smile attitude, working professional, healthy disease-free bottom with current tests available, and generally a fun guy to hang out alone or with other people.
You: Average Joe less than 40 years of age with lots of love, fun and sex filled years to offer, and a recent picture to send.

Trust, respect and the power of love shall prevail.

I would have normally posted in Los Angeles, however I think I would widen my search into the other states, post it for a week and move to the next state. All of the responses I get and any following conversations, some censureship of course, will be posted in my blog.

Wish me luck!