Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Soulmate - The Meaning

The term Soul Mates means many things. These are soul that you have experienced with in past, parallel or future lifetimes. They can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. We are all have multidimensional beings - your soul having experiences, in many realities, at the same time. As we all evolve from the same source of consciousness creation - we could say that we are all souls mates in a manner of speaking.

Soul mates can have various types of relationships, which do not always include romantic love. We tend to think of our soul mate as The One who is there for us and to make us feel complete. Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere.

Anyone who is in your biological family - or adopted family - or pseudo-family - is a soul mate to you. You feel closer to certain souls, because you have attracted them into your life as they are on the same frequency as you or because you want to work out issues with them.

Karma is the responsibilites shared between soul mates. Often souls mates come together to bring another soul into the physical realms. A man and woman mate and produce one or more children - the karma thus completed ends. The couple separates and share whatever karma is linked to the child. Sometimes the karma in family is between mother and child - so the child remains exclusively with the mother. Sometimes the karma is with the father and the mother leaves or deceases. Sometimes it is with both parents or with a sibling who has entered the game before or after you.

Soul mates can be close friends, co-workers, a teacher, anyone who influences your life one way or another. They play the emotional - spiritual - physical - and mental - games of third dimension with you.

Did you know that you often attract people into your life who look as you do in parallel or past lives? For example - you are a man seeking a female partner. You will seek out someone who looks and acts if you were a woman - like a mirror image. Your ideal partner is who you are in that physical body! We are always seeking ways to experience ourselves.

Men often seek the goddess when searching for a mate - one who looks like the priestess - slim body, long flowing hair purity of soul - beauty and gentleness of creation that speaks to their soul of union with the female creational force. It is SHE who brings loves, guidance, compassion and reunion of your twin soul aspects.
Finally, according to Greek mythology, an angry god split our ancestors into two resulting in humans who are condemned to spending their lives searching for the other half, the soulmate.


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