Friday, November 11, 2005

Miami Poet

My first response from Miami. I am not sure what he meant by it being too late for him to get on my list, but I should leave it at that, except for a thank you for responding to my soulmate search. Read on.

Thanks for your inspiring post this morning ...

It's too late for me to get on your list, but it is certainly the right time for some lucky man ...

Here is a poem I love to keep you hopeful until you find him :

"The Breath of Love"

by Michel Quoist

My beautiful love as yet unknown
you are living and breathing
somewhere far away
or perhaps quite close to me,
but I still know nothing
of the threads that form
the fabric of your life
or the pattern which makes your face distinctive.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I would like you to think of me tonight
as I am thinking of you
not in a golden dream that is far from my real self,
but as I really am,
a living personthat cannot be invented
without distorting the truth

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I love you already although your face is hidden.
If I can make myself richer now
I shall be able to enrich you
and I want to learn how to give
rather than always to take.
When you enter my life and I recognise you,
I do not want to take you like a thief.
I want to receive you like a treasure
and let you give yourself to me.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
will you forgive me in the future?
I hope you will forgive me
when you are curled up beside me
and when your eyes seek out the most distant clouds
in the open sky of my eyes.

I hope you will forgive me
for knowing too well the gestures of love
because I have learned them from others before you.
I would like to forget them now for your sake.
How lovely it would be if we could seek and find together
the chords that would form the right accompaniment
to the songs of joy and suffering that we shall sing together.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
I want to pray for you tonight
because you already exist,
because I already want to be faithful to you
and because you are already having difficulties
and possible because of me.

I am preparing myself for you
and you are preparing yourself for me.
I hope with all my heart
that in the future I shall be your sun
and you will be my source
and I will warm you in my rays
and you will wash me in your water.

Our bodies will be grafted together
and we shall give to the world
what it needs most of all
the strength of our love
that it would lack without us.

My beautiful love as yet unknown
we have to wait for one another now.
We know how painful it is for lovers
who do not know each other's faces
to go on waiting for each other.
But we also know that,
although we are still apart,
our two lives are looking and calling for each other.

And I am also sure that,
in the darkness of our longing,
God's longing and his light are present.
Our Father who is in heaven
is looking at us, my love, and loving us.
And he is saying now
as he has been saying for all eternity
"If that is what they really want they will be one in the future."

That is his dream as our Father
and that will be our decision as his children.


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