Monday, October 04, 2010

3 1/2 Years and Counting

Wow! I stopped blogging three and half years ago. Now, I'm back but not searching anymore. Just getting back into blogging and hopefully inspire others to not stop looking because we all deserve to meet our soulmate.

Yes! After Michael from AZ, I met JC* right outside my neighborhood 7-11. He was wearing a blue hoodie, jeans and sneakers. He had no fancy LA clothes, rides the bus, has an old school knapsack for a bag and is hairy. Me, on a Prada shirt, Evisu jeans, Commes des Garcons shoe outfit; driving an Audi A3; a GStar messenger bag; and spends more than a quarter of my salary on face and body products. And we have been living together for three and a half years.

Now, is he my soulmate? I don't know. I guess a soulmate doesn't necessarily have to be one you meet and fall in love with. He could probably even be a she. So I'm not stopping my soulmate search, instead I'm not looking for one anymore.

I will, however, keep this blog alive. Most likely about relationships, mine or others aka gossip, and such. So I hope to get feedback from you, yes, you.

Cheerio ~